Diamond Ag offers the top brands in the industry: Midwest, Brevant, Stine, LG & Merschman. With these quality seed products, we can maximize your buying power while offering a broad portfolio of germplasm and traits.
Diamond Ag offers the top brands in the industry: Midwest, Brevant, Stine, LG & Merschman. With these quality seed products, we can maximize your buying power while offering a broad portfolio of germplasm and traits.
We believe in constantly improving soil health and the "spoon feeding" theory. Our nutritional platform offers industry leading products to maximize yields and return on investment.
Diamond Ag has national agreements with all major manufacturers, while remaining adaptable to insert generics and off-patent products when the opportunity exists.
No one in the ag retail industry offers a broader selection of products and services. Custom-applied strip till, liquid RZB, low disturbance, side dress, and VRT applications are just a few of our capabilities to get your N,P,K and micros when and where your crop needs it.